Welcome to the third “Ranch Edition” of the Dude-Halloo! The Foundation realizes that we have two separate audiences in the ranchers and the public who both support the ranching industry. We thought it would make sense to start a “ranch edition” of the Dude-Halloo so we could speak directly to you, the rancher, about issues that affect you as a DRA member and the many benefits of your support of the Foundation that are unique to you, the Dude Rancher. Enjoy!
The Dude Ranch Foundation is humbled and very appreciative of the support the DRA, its members, and the Board of Directors have placed in the Foundation. We look forward to using these funds to continue to support DRA members and the industry through educational speakers, horse safety programs, scholarships that support workforce development, a wildfire mitigation plan (that is almost complete), the Lariat Legacy, and the future of dude ranching by protecting and preserving the past through the Dude Ranch Foundation Heritage Center.
In the coming years, we look forward to working together to fine-tune our current strategies, creating additional programs and services to benefit the industry, the DRA, and its members. We again want to thank you for helping us as we seek to preserve the history and expand the knowledge of America’s dude ranching industry for another 100 hundred years.
~ The Dude Ranch Foundation Board of Directors
Support the Dude Ranch Foundation
through Give with Bing!
Microsoft Rewards lets you support Dude Ranch Foundation through its Give with Bing program. After signing up and selecting our organization, you can earn rewards points just for searching the web with Bing. Microsoft then turns those points into cash donations to us.
The program is free–you just need to sign up with a Microsoft account. As of May 2021, Microsoft Rewards has donated more than [$6.5 million] to nonprofits around the world.
The DRF’s Horse Safety/Risk Management
Adaptive First Aid for the Trail and Equine Health Program
Look for the annual campaign letter in your snail mail or e-mail boxes. Let’s start this year’s giving off with a bang. We appreciate you and all you do for the Foundation.
Visit us in Wyoming
Welcome to Cody and the Dude Ranch Museum
The Dude Ranchers Museum is open for the summer. Please stop in or send your guests by if they are extending their stay out west and will be in Cody. We would love to catch up and hear about their fabulous dude ranch vacation while showing off some of our great Dude Ranch memorabilia on display.
If your ranch has old photos, artifacts, saddles, vintage or antique posters, or anything you would like us to consider putting on display, just let us know, and we will set up something. Just contact Colleen at colleen@duderanch.org.
WyoGives Fundraiser
Mark your calendars for WyoGives. The Foundation will again participate in this non-profit fundraising event. Last year we collected over $16,000. Here is how it works:
- Date: July 12, 2023, starts at midnight and runs for 24 hours.
- Hughes Charitable Fund will match funds up to $1000 per donor (so if you donate $1000, they will match it dollar for dollar if done in time) until the million dollars is gone. Give early on the 12th of July. Last year by 9 a.m. nearly $500,000 of the matching funds were committed. Just before noon the entire $1,000,000 was fully committed. And for your donation to be eligible for the match, the donation must be made by credit card.
- No donation is too small. Those $10.00 donations add up fast.
- The reason that the DRF can participate is because we are a Wyoming Non-profit organization.
About WyoGives: WyoGives is an initiative of the Wyoming Nonprofit Network. It is a powerful, statewide 24-hour online fundraising event designed to bring the state together as one community to raise money and awareness of Wyoming’s nonprofits. WyoGives raised over 3.2 million in 2022!
Lariat Legacy, Volume 2
The Magazine for and about Dude Ranchers
You should have all received a copy of the new Lariat Legacy, The Magazine. There is still time if your ranch still needs to order some for your guest rooms. Just shoot an email to Colleen at colleen@duderanch.org with the amount you would like. The cost for a DRA member ranch is $3.00 per magazine plus shipping. We know both you and your guest will enjoy it!