Foundation Donors
Our SupportersFoundation Donors
Our SupportersThank You
Over 35 years ago, Mark and Amey Grubbs brought together a group to create an organization whose mission would be to preserve the history and expand the knowledge of America’s dude ranches. This organization would share the story of the ranches that opened their doors to guests over the last one hundred fifty years, both celebrating the past and advancing the future of the dude ranching industry.
The Dude Ranch Foundation deeply thanks and celebrates our many supporters:
- Steve Harvey – Greenhorn Creek Ranch
- Bob and Karen Foster
- Judy McMullin
- Carolyn and Harley Stimmel
- Lynn Downey
- Philadelphia Insurance
- Hughes Charitable Foundation
- Schneider Family Trust
- Lucia Hatfield
- Tracy Swanson
- Janice and Roley Schoonover
- Luke and Amanda Esch
- May Family Foundation
- NFP – Tom Gillingham
- Cynthia Devine
- Gary Ketchen
- Rita Cote
- Deen Buttoff
- Robert Cagnina
- Mark Mscisz
- Doug and Linda VanBerkum
- Bill and Karen Ferguson
- Russell and Lura True
- Dave and Janet Leishman
- Steve Harvey – Greenhorn Creek Ranch
- Bob and Karen Foster
- Judy McMullin
- Carolyn and Harley Stimmel
- Lynn Downey
- Philadelphia Insurance
- Hughes Charitable Foundation
- Schneider Family Trust
- Lucinda Hatfield
- Luke and Amanda Esch
- May Family Foundation
- NFP – Tom Gillingham
- Cynthia Devine
- Gary Ketchen
- Rita Cote
- Deen Buttoff
- Robert Cagnina
- Mark Mscisz
- Doug and Linda VanBerkum
- Bill and Karen Ferguson