
You Are the Key to Our Success


You Are the Key to Our Success

Your Support Makes a Difference

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. ~ Winston Churchill

The Dude Ranch Foundation celebrates ranching heritage and works to ensure the future of America’s dude ranching industry through the Foundation’s Western Museum, research archives, support for scholarships, environmental conservation, and workforce development.

Because of your generosity, the Dude Ranch Foundation continues to inspire and educate people about the ranching industry and the importance of conservation in managing its millions of acres of land. Through the Foundation, we ensure a continued skilled workforce by providing educational opportunities for future industry leaders who will continue to advance the best practices in conservation, guest ranching, and animal husbandry.

Your support is instrumental to everything we do at the Dude Ranch Foundation. Though a portion of the museum’s annual operating costs come from earned income, your donation to the Dude Ranch Foundation’s Annual Fund supports general operating expenses and the ability to ensure the Dude Ranch Heritage Museum remains open and accessible to all visitors. Please make a fully tax-deductible donation to the Dude Ranch Foundation. Donations to the Dude Ranch Fund can be made in honor or memory of someone. To make a memorial or honorary gift, please call 307-586-1831.

  • Donate: Make a one-time or recurring cash or cryptocurrency donation. Your gift can be directed to the Annual Fund or a designated program.
  • Tribute Gifts: Make a gift as a Tribute or Memorial to a family member or friend.
  • Make a Planned Gift: Remember the Dude Ranch Foundation in your Estate Plan.
  • Donate Real Assets such as real estate, land, artifacts, or collections.
  • Volunteer: Donate your time and join the Dude Ranch Foundation Team.
  • Make a Tax-wise Gift of appreciated securities.

Matching Funds stretch your contribution by participating in our matching gift program. With your employer’s support, you have the potential to double your impact. Matching your gift is simple. Please contact your company’s Personnel, Human Resources, or Community Relations Department to see if they have a matching gift program.

  • Make a charitable IRA Rollover, or Qualified Charitable Distribution, to the Dude Ranch Foundation by directing your minimum required distributions.
  • Underwrite a DRF program.
  • Name the Foundation as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy plan.
  • Establish a Named Fund or Endowment.
  • Make a gift as a Tribute or Memorial to a family member or friend.
  • Designate the Dude Ranch Foundation through Bing.

Every year we count on your generosity to achieve the fundraising goal of the Dude Ranch Foundation. Please make a gift to the Dude Ranch Foundation today. Help us continue the work on behalf of these remarkable lands we call home.

Contact us for more information at or call 307-586-1831.

Thank You! Your Gift Truly Makes a Difference!

Checks may be made payable to the Dude Ranch Foundation and sent to the Dude Ranch Foundation, P.O. Box 2307, Cody, WY 82414. The Dude Ranch Foundation is a duly incorporated nonprofit corporation under the Internal Revenue Service code 501(c)(3). The Federal Tax Identification Number (FTIN) is 74-2519170.