Horse Safety Program
Safety First on the TrailHorse Safety Program
Safety First on the TrailHorse Safety
No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle. ~ Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1874 – 1965)
Ranch Risk Management &
First Aid for the Trail Seminar
Horseback riding and other dude ranch activities conducted oftentimes in the outdoor wilderness, and/or mountainous terrain, include inherent and other risks that can cause injury, damage, death, or other loss. As a result, it is recognized that ranches cannot assure the safety of their guests and that participants share in the responsibility for their own well-being and the well-being of others on any trip. The Dude Ranch Foundation Horse Safety Program is an endeavor to assist ranches in managing risks and considering safety in their ongoing effort to provide their guests with a positive experience.
This Dude Ranch Foundation horse safety program is offered through a seminar approach. The objective is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to prevent and/or manage an accident that may occur on the trail. The seminar, reflecting current equine safety guidelines and best practices, also promotes a continuous evaluation and improvement of safety procedures for the rancher, rider, and the horse.
This DRF program relies upon the integrity of participants to review their individual ranch programs and procedures with consideration to the horse safety and risk management practices discussed. To stay current with the program, each ranch must attend a seminar at least once every three years. The owner or general manager of the ranch should be the person attending.
Ranch Risk Management and First Aid Seminars are offered at the annual Dude Ranchers’ Association Convention and throughout the spring. Those completing the course will receive and/or update their certification.
The DRF would like to thank NFP Insurance, Glencar Insurance, and the Outdoor Insurance Program for their generous sponsorship of the DRF Horse Safety Programs.
Key Seminar Elements
- Horse Safety
- Accident Management
- Site Safety
- Equipment and Tack Safety
- Guest Orientation
- Certification
- Continuing Education
For more information on the Ranch Risk Management & First Aid Seminars Wrangler Training Course, contact us at 307-586-1831.
About the Horse Safety Survey
Over the last 12 years, the Dude Ranchers Association, on behalf of the Dude Ranch Foundation, has administered a survey to the member ranches regarding the type, number and seriousness of injuries sustained during any given season. With the thousands of hours guests spend in the saddle at a dude ranch the rate of injury per season is always much less than half of one percent. We feel, and several insurance companies agree, this is due to the Dude Ranch Foundation’s Horse Safety program.
Horse Safety Survey Results 2023
Horse Safety Survey Results 2022
Horse Safety Survey Results 2021
Horse Safety Survey Results 2020
Wrangler Training Course
What a year this was for our wrangler training program! We had 12 DRA member ranches and 4 non-DRA Ranches/camps participate for a total of 137 wranglers trained! A big shout-out to our trainers this year: Will Ferguson, Lauren Pokay, and Cheri Helmicki. The DRF wrangler training program has trained over 950 wranglers thus far.
This course has been established to train wranglers & guides in the skills needed to meet the Minimum Horse Safety and Risk Management practices accepted by the DRA ranches. This course helps to provide the skills and knowledge needed to help prevent potential accidents and demonstrates how to anticipate dangerous situations on the trail. Participants in this program must already have a good working knowledge of horsemanship skills. This is both a hands-on and classroom experience. The course follows the material presented in the DRA Horse Safety Manual.
- Current First Aid & CPR certification is required.
- Course is eight hours. It can be completed in one full day or two half days.
- Minimum course size is five.
- Participants must sign an acceptance of responsibility.
- Courses are set up through the Dude Ranch Foundation.
- Upon completion, the DRF office will issue a card.
View a sample of the training agenda here.
To obtain certification, participants will learn and exhibit, as assessed by the instructor, a general knowledge and confidence in the following:
- Ranch’s emergency procedures
- Risk management
- Handling accidents on the trail and at the barn
- Ride management and organization
- Riding, handling, and managing horses safely
- General back country practices
- Adaptive first aid for the trail
For more information on the Wrangler Training Course, contact us at 307-586-1831.
Special Thanks:
The DRF would like to thank all the wrangler instructors, including our traveling instructors, Will Ferguson and Lauren Pokay. They did a fantastic job!
2024 Wrangler Trainings were held:
Where: Triangle X Ranch, Wyoming
When: May 17th at 9:00 a.m.
Instructor: Ane Mommsen
Where: Lone Mountain Ranch, Montana
When: May 17th at 9:00 a.m.
Instructor: Will Ferguson
Where: Bar W Ranch, Montana
When: May 18th at 9:00 a.m.
Instructor: Roley Schoonover
Where: Sylvan Dale Ranch, Colorado
When: May 21st at 9:00 a.m.
Instructor: Nick Herold
Where: Bar Lazy J Ranch, Colorado
When: May 23rd at 9:00 a.m.
Instructor: Cheri Amos Helmicki
Where: Medicine Bow Lodge, Wyoming
When: May 23rd at 9:00 a.m.
Instructor: Tim Bishop
Where: Red Rock Ranch, Wyoming
When: May 29th at 10:00 a.m.
Instructor: Will Ferguson
Where: UXU Ranch, Wyoming
When: May 30th at 9:00 a.m.
Instructor: Will Ferguson
Where: Nine Quarter Circle Ranch, Montana
When: June 6th at 10:00 a.m.
Instructor: Will Ferguson
Horse Safety
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